Conventional agriculture

美 [kənˈvenʃənl ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃər]英 [kənˈvenʃənl ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃə(r)]
  • 传统农业
Conventional agricultureConventional agriculture
  1. Biotech will , in time , become the new conventional agriculture .


  2. A key GMO supporter , Mr. Huang argues that conventional agriculture alone cannot solve China 's food needs .


  3. Comparing to conventional agriculture , risks of environmental damage brought by organic agriculture are much less .


  4. Organic agriculture is an alternative form of conventional agriculture , and it is a kind of sustainable development .


  5. Conventional agriculture has impacted significantly on the environment and biotechnology can be used to reduce the environmental footprint of agriculture .


  6. This paper has introduced the intension of eco-agricultural industrialization and the differences between eco - agricultural industrialization and conventional agriculture industrialization .


  7. As deep development of reform of agriculture system and hi-tech rapidly rise such as internet and IT , conventional agriculture is experiencing big impingement .


  8. Conventional agriculture gets the rapid development in recent decades in the world , provides a number of rich agricultural products at the same time , also brought a certain potential hazards to human survival .


  9. It is a quite popular idea in the west world that agricultural intensification is contrary to the sustainability and the " Conventional Agriculture " or intensive farming is unsustainable .


  10. Environmental Friendly Agriculture has better technical operability than Organic Agriculture , and has better sustainability than conventional agriculture , and it can deal with the relationship of economy , society and ecological environment better .


  11. In recent years , Repeatedly occurring food safety affairs and the depravation of eco-environment raises reflection of conventional agriculture , Driven by demand at home and abroad , organic agriculture at our country presented a huge development potential .


  12. Compared with conventional agriculture , characteristic agriculture has many features : obvious regionality , high quality of products , promising marketability and high efficiency in economy , etc , regulation innovation , technology advancement and market reform are the main factors of promoting the characteristic agriculture development .


  13. In this paper the authors analyzed the main features and facing problems of Beijing ′ s conventional intensive agriculture .


  14. This paper think oasis agriculture must develop to be modern oasis agriculture , as the basis of analyzing traditional oasis agriculture , conventional oasis agriculture and combining characteristics of the oasis ecological environment .


  15. To change the conventional frame of agriculture production and improve the ecological environment ;


  16. A comparison of conventional and organic agriculture methods


  17. It 's an approach not dictated by the confines of conventional large scale agriculture lead by international corporations .


  18. The conventional strategy of agriculture province , has become the obstacle of thought and policy , which restricts economic growth and social development in Jilin province .


  19. Introduced the basic concept of agriculture developmental model based on the description of modern agriculture and agricultural modernization , and discussed on the differences and historical relation between conventional and sustainable agriculture , and stressed to the effluence of the sustainable model to the development of world agricultural modernization .


  20. Biological effects of straw direct-application into fields tilled by a conventional method and shifting agriculture were investigated .


  21. The main cause of the decline of peasants ' household sideline production income lies in the income decline of conventional industries such as agriculture and animal husbandry .
